Engage is Restarting!
The Engage study is restarting data collection at our study site on Atateken Street (formerly Amherst Street).
We are currently booking follow-up visits with participants whose appointments were supposed to have happened between March and June but were cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Once we catch up, we’ll contact the remaining participants based on their respective data collection schedules.
COVID-19 Precautions to Keep Participants and Study Personnel safe
Here are the steps we are taking to ensure your safety:
- Anyone with the following risk factors for exposure to COVID-19 will not be permitted to complete their study visit and will be re-booked for an appointment at least two weeks in the future:
- Those who in the last 7 days, have had one or more of the following symptoms: cough, fever, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, diarrhea, extreme fatigue, loss of taste or smell OR
- Those who in the last 14 days have been in close contact with a person who was diagnosed with COVID-19 OR
- Those who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days
- We ask that participants come alone and do not bring a friend/companion
- A distance of 2m between study staff and participants will be maintained as much as possible
- Study staff will be wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (i.e. face masks etc…)
- We will provide face masks and make hand sanitizer available to participants
- Computer stations will be thoroughly cleaned before and between participants
- The time spent with the study nurse will be significantly shorter than during previous visits
We sometimes use an automated text messaging application to send important information to study participants. The application can only receive keywords replies, so please email us at engagemontreal@gmail.com or call us at 514-260-0966 if you have any questions.
Thank you for participating in Engage! Interested in results from the study? Check out our Infobulles, read our publications, and like us on Facebook!