Text Messages

Engage is Restarting!

The Engage study is restarting data collection at our study site on Atateken Street (formerly Amherst Street).

We are currently booking follow-up visits with participants whose appointments were supposed to have happened between March and June but were cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Once we catch up, we’ll contact the remaining participants based on their respective data collection schedules.

COVID-19 Precautions to Keep Participants and Study Personnel safe

Here are the steps we are taking to ensure your safety:

We sometimes use an automated text messaging application to send important information to study participants. The application can only receive keywords replies, so please email us at engagemontreal@gmail.com or call us at 514-260-0966 if you have any questions.

Thank you for participating in Engage! Interested in results from the study? Check out our Infobulles, read our publications, and like us on Facebook!