Engage Study Pre-CAHR 2020 Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of the in-person aspects of CAHR, we have postponed our annual team meeting until we can safely see you all in person. Our annual Engage Team Meeting is a valuable time to gather together and talk about project updates and brainstorm about the future of the Engage Study. We believe that this work is easier, and more enjoyable, to conduct in a face-to-face setting. Our hope is that physical distancing measures will be lifted by the fall and we will be able to hold our Engage Team Meeting as an ancillary event with another meeting in October or November. We will contact you all with additional updates once we have a better sense of the plans for fall meetings. We hope to see you all before too long!

Jose Patiño-Gomez
April 27th, 2020