The Engage study aims to provide a portrait of various aspects of the sexual health of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) with the objective of supporting prevention interventions. The 5-year cohort study is conducted among residents of the metropolitan areas of Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.
This report presents a wide range of observations collected from the 1,179 participants of the 2017-2018 cycle of the Engage Montréal study (cycle corresponding to the baseline visit) through a compilation of tables. These are mostly descriptive data (sometimes stratified by HIV status or age group). The report contains neither multivariable analyses nor discussion or interpretation of the observations. In addition, several tools developed within the framework of the study are presented in the appendix: participation promotion tools, recruitment coupons, consent forms, a summary of the dimensions of the questionnaire and posters describing the methods of STI self-testing.
Please note that this report is only available in the French language.